Return & Exchange Form

  • Please note your return reason, along with the product name/SKU and quantity, in the comment section.
  • If you need an exchange, after filling out the return details, please also include the color and size of the product you'd like to exchange for.

Return & Exchange Policy

  • If eligible for a return, the product must meet the following conditions:
  1. Be in the same condition as when you received it.
  2. Unworn and unused.
  3. Have tags attached.
  4. Be in its original packaging.
  • If the return conditions are not met, the warehouse will refuse the package and return it to you.
  • For returns or exchanges due to non-quality issues, the customer will be responsible for the shipping costs.
  • We kindly ask for a detailed response, as undergarments are private items, and we will take this into consideration. This will affect whether the product can be returned. We appreciate your understanding.