Today when you are going to buy men’s underwear, there are thousands of choices for you in the market. But do you know it’s actually taken thousands of years to perfect the underwear you’re wearing now? Here is a brief introduction of men’s underwear development.
Ancient times - Loincloth
Loincloth was the first undergarment worn by man. It was a single piece of cloth wrapped round the hips, typically worn by men in some hot countries as their only garment. Tutankhamun was buried with dozens of fine linen loincloths
Middle Ages - Braies
Braies was the first underwear which uses drawstring and usually they were made from lined. Mostly they were worn by kings and peasants.
18th century – Underdrawers
18th century’s underdrawers were made of linen or woolen flannel, and always white. They were aided in preserving breeches and added an extra layer of warmth.
19th century - Union suit
Underdrawers were mostly worn by the rich. And they were originally invented for women before gaining popularity with men
Late 1800s - Jockstrap
Jockstrap was invented to provide comfort for bicycle jockeys on cobblestone streets. It could also be fitted with an impact-resistant hard cup, offering extra protection in sports
1920s - Boxer shorts
Elastic waist designed to replace the leather-belted trunks worn by boxers, and became popular after veterans returned from World War 2.
1930s - Jockey briefs
Inspired by bathing suits spotted in the French Riviera, Jockey briefs proved so popular that over 3000 pairs were sold within three months of their introduction
1950s - New fabrics
During this period, men’s underwear began to be a fashion statement, new fabrics were introduced as well as a multitude of colors and prints.
1970s - Designer briefs
Designer underwear producers used sex as the main selling point for their ad campaigns
1990s - Boxer briefs
Boxer briefs were pioneered by designer John Varvatos, designed to mix the longer shape of boxer with the tightness of briefs.
2015 - Hipster trunks
Hipster trunks also known as trunks, they are shorter than boxer briefs, often seamless, usually no fly.
2018 – Dual Pouch Underwear
Dual pouch underwear was firstly designed by David Archy and known as David Archy Doctor series. After having been patented in America and Europe, a new brand Separatec was born. Unique dual pouch design to protect men’s intimate area, a new era of men’s underwear has come.
Fashion trends keep changing since ancient time, from now on, dual pouch underwear will become a new trend, will you join the trend with us?
Which dual pouch is better Separatec or Archy Please get back
ich nenne ein stück DAVID ARCHY, mehrere verschiedene modelle separatic sowie zwe 3er pakete EVERYDAY.und alle diese hosen haben einen gemeinsamen nenner: sie sind genial , leider fand ich diese hosen viel zu spät,so hätte ich mir viele hundert EUROI erspart für die anderen wunderschönen hosen,nun ja, jetzt bin ich stolzer besitzer der wohl schönsten und einzigartigsten hose de ganzen universums!noch eins muß ich festhalten, ich habe normalgröße "M"und kaufte auch "MEDIUM"und mußte zu meiner großen freude feststellen dass alle ausnahmslos perfekt passen, ich hoffe, daß ich anderen mit meiner meinung helfen konnte. vielen, vielen dank!
I wish I could join the trend. As someone who’s 4XL this sounds like a dream come true. No more chafing between my oversized thighs daily? Yes please. It would be nice to have these underwear and a big man while exercising, or even just walking. I wouldn’t have to use anti chafing gel every before exercising.
From my perspective, this design would benefit big people the most. If they were more expensive, I’d pay the difference. If were a subsidiary brand under Sepratec, I wouldn’t care.
I keep thinking that, by the time I got slim enough to where I could buy/wear Separatec, I would’ve passed the point in my life where it would’ve been most beneficial to me y’know?